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Passages Ministries

The Ministries of John "BJ" Hall

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Since January 18, 2015

Blog posts August 2016

Can pain serve any purpose in this world?

By Evangelist John BJ Hall

As many of you know, this summer has been a difficult one for me physically. It included severe pain in my low back, blood loss and rapid weight loss. As the summer came to a close I had excruciating pain in my neck (still not fully recovered from that).

As a result, I h…

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What is In A Name?

By Evangelist John "BJ" Hall

Several years ago the Associated Press carried a story from England about a couple that gave their newborn daughter 139 names. They said they will call her Tracy, but officially, she will be: Tracy Mariclaire Lisa Tammy Samantha Christin Alexandra (you get the ide…

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2 blog posts