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The Ministries of John "BJ" Hall

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Since January 18, 2015

Blog posts October 2017

Seek the Lord

~ By Evangelist John BJ Hall ~

When my granddaughter was small, she loved to play hide and seek. Most of all she loved to be found. She would almost always hide in the same spot, in her bedroom behind the curtains.

I always made a big show out of looking for her. “Is she hiding under the bed?”…

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Wholly Thine

~ By Evangelist John BJ Hall ~

I had been in the ministry since I was eighteen years of age. While I was a freshman at Oklahoma Baptist University I served as part-time music and youth director for First Baptist Church, Arcadia, Oklahoma.

There were some traumatic events that took place in…

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I Miss Our Prayer Time

~ By Evangelist John BJ Hall ~

The phone would ring at just the right moment. Oh, it didn’t matter what the moment was. It was always, “the right moment.”

I could count on it like clockwork. If I was having a difficult time, struggling with a decision, or just needed someone to talk …

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Satan's Sifting

~ By Evangelist John BJ Hall ~

I believe there is a real devil! Many people don’t. They put him in the same category as Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. They relegate him to the superstition and ignorance of the Middle Ages.

The Bible declares his existence, his intentions, as well as his metho…

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The Witness at My Door

~ By Evangelist John BJ Hall ~

They were standing at my front door. Two women and a teenage girl stood there after knocking on the door. When I opened the door, I knew who they were and why they were there. They each were holding a copy of The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. The le…

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Help My Baby!

~ By Evangelist John BJ Hall ~

I was on my way to seminary classes at Oklahoma Baptist University. As I drove south out of Chandler I crested a hill and saw a woman lying in the middle of the highway. Several hundred yards south there was a van in the ditch on my side of the road. I stopped to ch…

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How is Your Forgetter?

By Evangelist John BJ Hall

I was watching TV and decided I wanted to get a drink. I got up and walked with the remote to the fridge. I looked inside and saw some tea that I wanted. I placed the remote in the fridge, closed the door, and walked back into the den. I sat down, kicked back in the rec…

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Do All the Pieces Fit?

By Evangelist John BJ Hall ~

A little girl was having difficulty with her United States geography lessons. Her dad had a great idea. He bought a puzzle map of the nation with the puzzle states cut into pieces of the puzzle. She struggled to get the pieces to fit so that her dad would be proud …

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He Took My Place

~ By Evangelist John BJ Hall ~

It was a cold January day in 1965. The heat was supplied by an open-faced propane heater in the back of the classroom. The class bully had a few firecrackers left over from summer. When the teacher had her back turned, he tossed them in the heater. When they exploded…

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9 blog posts