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The Ministries of John "BJ" Hall

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Since January 18, 2015

Blog posts June 2017

CPR For The Church

By Evangelist John BJ Hall

Some disturbing facts have come to light in annual reports from Southern Baptist Churches. For example, in 2016-- 200,000 people left their membership in Southern Baptist Churches. Also, less than 300,000 baptisms were recorded. We have not seen this low of baptism rate…

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All to Him I Owe

By Evangelist John BJ Hall

I was at one of my doctor’s offices and met a WWII veteran. I shared with him the following story.

Many brave young men fought for our freedom and against tyranny during World War Two. Harold A. Hall, my father, was on the front lines with no Rest and Recuperation for …

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Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth

By Evangelist John BJ Hall

The BIBLE is Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. It is the very definition of Truth. It is filled from Genesis to Revelation with essential instructions for life and for preparation for the eternal life that it offers.

Today lets focus on one passage in The Reve…

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Christ's Program for the Church

By Evangelist John BJ Hall

There is a drought in our land today. There seems to be a spiritual vacuum sucking the life out of the church. Recent studies have shown that 2016 had the lowest baptisms since 1946; the lowest Church membership since 1990; and lowest worship attendance since 1996. …

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Thanks for the Victory

By Evangelist John BJ Hall

On May 8, 1945 Germany surrendered to the allied forces and brought an end to the war in Europe. That day is called VE Day. The Japanese held on for a little over three more months until August 14, 1945 when they finally surrendered. That day is known as VJ Day. Thi…

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Threefold Mystery of the Love of God

By Evangelist John BJ Hall

In the Testament there is a mystery spread over three books, all of which are in the third chapter and sixteenth verse of their respective books. It is such a mystery that there are no other passages in the entire Bible which fit the pattern.

The first that we wi…

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6 blog posts