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The Ministries of John "BJ" Hall

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Since January 18, 2015

Sweet Peace, the Gift of God's Love

By John BJ Hall

For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall,              Ephesians 2:14


Peter Bilhorn had been a popular singer in the beer halls of Chicago. During a revival held by George F. Pentecost, he was saved. He traveled with Rev. Pentecost in his evangelistic work. One day their train was stopped due to an accident. The elderly lady it hit left a pool of blood where she lay.

Evangelist Daniel Webster Whittle remarked that the only thing Jesus left on earth was His blood for our justification. Bilhorn replied, “This is what gives us sweet peace.” He wrote the lyrics upon his return to the train.

The first stanza tells us that the sweet strain of peace should dwell in our hearts. When it does it brings gladness and joy. The second talks of the foundation of our peace being Christ’s death which paid our debt.

Finally, in the third stanza, we find that to maintain that peace we must abide in Christ. That peace then draws us closer to Him and guards our hearts.


Father, thank You for the blood of Christ that brought me justification and reconciliation with You. Thank You for the sweet peace that You brought into my heart. Amen.


This is an excerpt from the soon-to-be-published, Hymns of Praise Vol 4: A Devotional Guide to the Hymns of Our Faith, by John BJ Hall. © Copyright 2024 by Passages Ministries Publishing.

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