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Passages Ministries

The Ministries of John "BJ" Hall

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Since January 18, 2015

The Most Important Question

I had just participated in a prayer service prior to Oklahoma Baptist State Evangelism Conference. I was hungry, so I stopped at a Subway® on the way back to my motel room.

When I ordered I saw one employee. He took my order and built my sandwich. When I sat down I was facing the entry door, so I could see my vehicle in the parking lot.

As I ate my meal, the Lord said in my heart "Talk to her!" I was a bit confused because I only saw one employee, and he was a male. As I finished the sandwich I started rolling the wrappers and preparing the trash to throw away. Again He said, "Talk to her." When I turned around to refill my drink I saw her. She was a young black lady, approximately 20 years old. She was arranging the potato chips on the rack, preparing to close the store for the evening. 

I walked up to her and said, "Hi, my name is BJ."

She replied, "My name is Shaquese."

I asked if I could ask her a question and she said, "Sure!"

"You know" I said, " none of us know how long we are going to live."

"That's the truth." she said.

"After closing tonight, you could get in your car and drive home. A drunk driver could blow through a stop light and T-bone you, causing you to die."

"Yes, that's possible." she said, "There's lots of drunks on the road."

"Shaquese, if that were to happen to you and you were to die, do you know where you would spend eternity?"

"No, not really."

"Would you like to know?"

Hesitantly she answered, "Well, I'm not sure."

"Shaquese, God loves you, and Jesus loves you. God loves you so much He sent His only Son to live among us. Jesus loves you so much, He died to forgive your sin. Your name Shaquese"

She said, "Renae"

I said, "Shaquese Renae"

She said, "Wilson"

I said, "Shaquese Renae Wilson, your name was on His heart when He died on the cross to forgive your sin. That's how much He loves you." I continued, "Shaquese do you have any sin in your life."

She said, "Yes, we all do."

I asked, "What do you think you should do about that?"

"Well, I guess I need to ask Him to forgive me."

"You're right! And it would be a pretty good idea to ask Him to make you a new person, wouldn't it?"

She said, "Yes it would."

Without another word from me Shaquese bowed her head and prayed, "Jesus, I am a sinner. Would you please forgive my sin and make me new? Amen." 

She looked up with a smile on her face and I asked, "Did you mean what you just prayed?

She said, "I sure did!"

"Then you are my sister and I am your brother." I then took a tract out of my pocket and said, "This little booklet has everything we talked about and more inside. I am writing my name and telephone number on the back. When you read this booklet, if you have any questions, will you please call me?"

Now think about this. When I was a high school student, I had a friend. At least, I called him a friend. Steve and I ran fast cars together down the Okmulgee B-line. After we graduated from high school, I din't see Steve again.

I moved to Disney, Oklahoma with my parents, met the love of my life and got married. I became pastor of my first church when I was nineteen and my wife was seventeen. One day we were visiting her parents. Now you must understand, I NEVER read the newspaper. On that day, I picked up the Tulsa World off the couch in their front room. It fell open to the obituary page. 

There was a picture of my "friend" Steve. It was almost like I could see him pointing at me and asking, "Why didn't you tell me?"

I promised the Lord that I would never allow that to happen again. I can't say that I have always kept that promise. There have been many Steves in my life. But there have also been some Shaqueses in my life. 

Today I renew my promise to the Lord. Will you? Don't let there be any Steves in your life! Let them all be Shaqueses!

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