Passages Book Store

Hymns of Praise Vol 1: A Devotional Guide to the Hymns of Our Faith
$7.99 Paperback
The early church father, Augustine, said, "We learn more theology from the hymns we sing than from the sermons that we hear." These hymns of our faith have been used through the years to celebrate the new life given to those who believe in Jesus Christ. Let these songs of praise and faith stir once again your heart to love the one who gave His life for you. This volume contains 61 devotionals based on the hymns of our faith. It is my prayer that it will be a blessing to your soul. The Kindle edition is now available for Volume 1.
The following links are for the Large Print edition of Volume 2, 3, and 4.
Hymns of Praise Vol 2: A Devotional Guide to the Hymns of Our Faith
Hymns of Praise Vol 3: A Devotional Guide to the Hymns of Our Faith
Hymns of Praise Vol 4: A Devotional Guide to the Hymns of Our Faith
This book deals with a phenomena in the modern evangelical Christian community. It looks at the "Name it and Claim it" roots, philosophy and problems from a biblical perspective. Don't even think of purchasing this book unless you are willing to be honest with the scriptures involved and basis for this doctrine. This book is now available for Kindle for $2.99.
Second Chronicles 7:14 states what is required to have a right relationship with God, if we desire for God to hear us and revive our souls. It says, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." (KJV) If there has ever been a need for such a surrender and prayer it is now. This book is now available for Kindle for $2.99.
Wholly Thine is a look at the life of a person struggling with a life long depression and bipolar disorder. Many times there is a stigma attached to those who suffer from this complex and often debilitating disorder. BJ offers the solution that one man came to and shows the sources of much of his angst. The last half of the book consists of poetry and prose by the author. This book is now available for Kindle for $2.99.
Poetry by Dorothy Mae Fielding
A collection poems given to Dorothy by the Lord and dedicated to all Christians everywhere who have known the peace, joy and comfort Jesus gives to those who have accepted Him as their personal Savior. Dorothy went home to be with the Lord in 2013. She is greatly missed by those who loved her.
Written and Illustrated by Marsha Jean Newton

A beautifully illustrated allegory of God's saving grace in our lives. As sinners we are broken due to sin in our lives. In order for God to save us, he has to remold us into vessels of honor. This little book can be used as a point of witness to those who have yet to receive Christ, and a point of encouragement to those who feel broken as Christians.